Modern Challenges and Approaches to Humanitarian Engineering
Yiannis Koumpouros (University of West Attica, Greece)
Angelos Georgoulas (University of West Attica, Greece)
Georgia Kremmyda (University of Warwick, UK)
The book is published by IGI and available via IGI Global.
Transcending Humanitarian Engineering Strategies for Sustainable Futures
Yiannis Koumpouros (University of West Attica, Greece)
Angelos Georgoulas (University of West Attica, Greece)
Georgia Kremmyda (University of Warwick, UK)
The book will be published by IGI and become available via IGI Global.
Demystifying Humanitarian Engineering: A comparative study on perceptions in UK and Asia
Kremmyda, G., et al.
EDUCON 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, April 2020, Porto, Portugal
978-1-7281-0930-5/20 ©2020 IEEE
This publication is available here
A Taxonomy of Engineering Attributes for Tackling Humanitarian Challenges
Kremmyda, G., et al.
EDUCON 2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, April 2020, Porto, Portugal
978-1-7281-0930-5/20 ©2020 IEEE
This publication is available here

18 – 19 May 2021, 1st International Symposium on “Humanitarian Engineering Challenges and Approaches”, organized by University of West Attica, Greece
12 – 16 Sep 2022, 2nd International Symposium on “Humanitarian Engineering Challenges and Approaches”, organized by University of West Attica, Greece

The ENHANCE Taxonomy of Professional Attributes
When designing engineering curricula, the aim of meeting market, industry and societal needs should be central. Developing curricula which integrate markets, industry and communities within the HEI education framework creates its own specific challenges and opportunities. Optimal curriculum design aims at delivering attributes (knowledge, skills, experience) needed for industry, market, government and tackling grand challenges. The ENHANCE taxonomy aims to demonstrate how these needs can be met through the application of state-of-the-art education approaches.
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